On the Internet or the World Wide Web has been written many books and said many words. In a sense, the Network is still just a toy, entertainment for the majority of users. Although for those who sells access to this kind of entertainment, and offers entertainment for yourself - it is, of course, a good business. Nevertheless Network is increasingly becoming an arena of trade and a huge store. (However, it may be, demand from traders and served as the reason for the rapid development of the Internet - the age-old question of what comes first:
17 апреля 2016
16 апреля 2016
Electronic trading systems
In the world created countless software to help investors to manage their capital as through intermediaries professional securities market participants and yourself how individuals such diversity is explained by the fact that each provider of online trading services, each business area and each market has their standards of work and security.
According to statistics, today more than 10 million people use the Internet-trading, increasing personal finances.
At the same time there is another trend more complicated from a technical point of view, but more rapid direct access, a computer system that allows the investor to put the application directly on the exchange. In other words, say its supporters, electronic access system puts a private investor on a par with market makers, eliminating all intermediaries "an independent internet-trading."
And in the first and in the second case, the investor scheme of action is elementary: it fills the agreement and profiles, opens an account, transfer money, and receives a floppy disk instructions and forward on the stock exchange in the world.
According to statistics, today more than 10 million people use the Internet-trading, increasing personal finances.
At the same time there is another trend more complicated from a technical point of view, but more rapid direct access, a computer system that allows the investor to put the application directly on the exchange. In other words, say its supporters, electronic access system puts a private investor on a par with market makers, eliminating all intermediaries "an independent internet-trading."
And in the first and in the second case, the investor scheme of action is elementary: it fills the agreement and profiles, opens an account, transfer money, and receives a floppy disk instructions and forward on the stock exchange in the world.
15 апреля 2016
What is internet trading?
Historically, the purchase or sale of securities carried out in specially designated areas where gathered both sellers and buyers. With the development of financial markets and the other was too much. The yield found created Exchange and entered the post professional participant. For the acquisition of the securities is now necessary to go to a broker and apply through. For a long time, but reliably. With the advent of the phone process has become more dynamic. The time it took to conclude the transaction, reduced to 20-30 minutes. Sources of information on which decisions were made, remained the same the press, rumors, tips a professional counselor. Then came the Internet and as a result of Internet trading.
14 апреля 2016
Online Trading: virtual stock market.
There are many ways to use the relatively free money from burrowing into the ground, to the purchase of real estate. Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages. Nevertheless, millions of people in industrialized countries believe that the best way to invest money is to buy securities one of the ways to put money into the bank, so that they gave a good return or in the form of regular income from dividends or in the form of profit as a result of the increase of their value, or both.
13 апреля 2016
Investment markets
Let's single out the major markets: Securities markets. Foreign exchange markets. Commodity. Real estate markets. futures market instruments
Stocks and bods market
The securities market is part of a common financial market, which produces emissions (emissions this issue) and the purchase and sale of various securities.
It is usually divided into primary and secondary market.
The primary market is called a market in which to place new securities. For example, you have a company and you issue shares, allowing other people to chip in your company, becoming co-owners of your business.
You can say that you are your shares on the primary market.
What is a stock?
The action in plain language, this paper, confirming the ownership of part of the company.
Stocks and bods market
The securities market is part of a common financial market, which produces emissions (emissions this issue) and the purchase and sale of various securities.
It is usually divided into primary and secondary market.
The primary market is called a market in which to place new securities. For example, you have a company and you issue shares, allowing other people to chip in your company, becoming co-owners of your business.
You can say that you are your shares on the primary market.
What is a stock?
The action in plain language, this paper, confirming the ownership of part of the company.
12 апреля 2016
This is the first lesson I want to open a series of lessons on investment. Financial alphabet for those who do not want to look for information in books, and read cleverness, created by professors. I will try to present a more clear and accessible as possible. Since, as explained at the time to me.
So, let's begin.
So, let's begin.
11 апреля 2016
Malaysia for foreign investors
The main task of the state, the declared local political elite is to achieve sustainable development, which, among other measures, includes pryamyhbudda attract foreign investment, especially in the sectors of the economy associated with high technology. To this end, the Malaysian government has created a favorable atmosphere in the country for business, providing foreign companies many opportunities for growth and profit.
10 апреля 2016
7 reasons to invest in Singapore

Comparative analysis of business in Singapore and Malaysia
Singapore in rankings
Investing in Singapore
Singapore called the "Switzerland of Asia" on the right and at the moment he is one of the most popular countries to live and do business. A good way to protect your savings will become competent in cingapursky investment business, investment funds, innovative projects, and, of course, real estate.
The country has virtually no crime, no corruption, the introduction of the drug problem has been solved by the death penalty for their distribution. Quality of life at a very high level - infrastructure, medicine, one of the five best in the world, great air quality (as opposed to Hong Kong), a good environment, a variety of activities and restaurants. Unemployment remains at the level of about 2%. With a population of about 5 million people, Singapore has a striking 96.3% literate, and 86.3% of the population have secondary or higher education.
For those who do not know where it is safe to invest your money, we give 7 reasons why Singapore - the perfect place for your investment.
Investor Password
Investor Password a secret sequence of symbols generated by the trading platform. This allows you to enter your password on the Client's trading account without the right of engaging in any transactions.
This password is different from the investor trader's password, in which the company's customers can make any necessary transaction in accordance with its trading system. Most often, the investor password is required in the case of asset management trading account, the investor instructs the trader to manage your account. In such cases, the trading password is transmitted to the trader. In this case, the investor password remains the owner of the trading account in order to monitor the current situation on the account management.
As the trader password, investor password must be stored in a safe place, so that nobody else can interfere with the progress made in the account management.