14 апреля 2016
Online Trading: virtual stock market.
There are many ways to use the relatively free money from burrowing into the ground, to the purchase of real estate. Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages. Nevertheless, millions of people in industrialized countries believe that the best way to invest money is to buy securities one of the ways to put money into the bank, so that they gave a good return or in the form of regular income from dividends or in the form of profit as a result of the increase of their value, or both.
Modern US stock market is characterized by a high degree of organization that allows multiple investors to use its features. With the current state of affairs, any investor can buy securities of US companies, and all that for this you need to do is to open an investment account at any US broker and translate it the necessary amount of money. (It should be noted that all brokers in the United States are required to undergo a rigorous licensing procedure with the Securities and Exchange Commission, which gives them credibility and reliability). It does not matter from which country was born by the investor.
Already, an estimated number of online investment accounts exceeds 16 million and the forecast for 2001 was 32 million According to the study, published in early November 1999 by the Association of Securities Industry (Securities Industry Association), in 1999 almost one-fifth Or rather 18% of investors carry out transactions via the Internet. While only 10% of investors use the Internet to conduct transactions with securities in 1998. You can imagine what a market and growth rates.
Give orders to the broker for the account management, can be a variety of ways by fax, telephone, finally, himself. But the existing capabilities of computers and the Internet, in particular, allows a single user to manage their investment brokerage account without leaving home. Sitting at home or in the office, you can explore investments in securities based on high-quality, reliable and immediate (real time) information possessed, and used by your broker. You can manage an investment portfolio, directly from the desktop by buying and selling stocks at attractive prices in a matter of seconds. And all this will cost less than a few minutes of phone conversation between different continents.
In this paper we attempt to talk about opening up opportunities to manage their money, provided by the Global Network of the Internet to the private individual investor to carry out operations in the global stock market.
Electronic trading systems
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