12 апреля 2016


This is the first lesson I want to open a series of lessons on investment. Financial alphabet for those who do not want to look for information in books, and read cleverness, created by professors. I will try to present a more clear and accessible as possible. Since, as explained at the time to me.

So, let's begin.

The term "investment" came from the Latin word "invest", which translates as "investing". But the very investment, as you know, are not only of investments. Most importantly, of course, this is the second part of the investment - profit.

The most concise, in my opinion, the definition of investment given the Nobel laureate in economics, William Sharpe. Invest - it means parting with the money today, that tomorrow would get them a large sum.

And if a little more serious, the investment - is an investment of money in any items for profit.

Here you need to make a reservation. Investments are made primarily for profit. Therefore, the investor - this is not the one who invests. The investor - is the one who profits from money invested.

A person who invests money, but does not receive the income is far from an investor simply invests.

The difference between investment and financing.

If a person does not set a task to make a profit from the money invested, it means that it is not an investment. This financing.

For example, the purchase of apartments child. If the apartment no one is planning to have a child to pick up and sell for a profit, this financing.

As well as buying expensive collection of alcoholic beverages, with a view to their ingestion. Rather, it is not even funding, and waste.

Forms and investment objects.

There are two main groups of investments. Real (they are straight) and financial (they are the same portfolio).

Real investment - an investment in the production processes. For example, buying equipment, hiring of labor, the purchase of raw materials, etc. Real investments are usually carried the state, enterprises, organizations, manufacturing companies - representatives of business.

It is almost impossible to find private investors. And not because private investors such types of investments are not interested, just their capital size is too small. Thus, the real investment - an investment in the creation of new, reconstruction and modernization of existing enterprises.

Financial investment - an investment in securities. In practice, this is reflected in the purchase and sale of securities. These investments mainly involved private investors and specialized companies, such as investment and brokerage companies, banks, insurance companies, asset management companies, pension funds.

Investments can be divided into the following categories:

Tangible assets - such as land, machinery, real estate and equipment.
Intangible assets - copyright, license, intellectual values.
Financial assets - primarily various types of securities.
These forms of investment are mutually reinforcing, since tangible and intangible assets of some market participants often become possible due to other financial investments.


The simplest definition:

A security - is a financial instrument that gives the right to receive the income.

In this, the 21st century, we have excellent opportunities for investment. We discovered these instruments and markets as:

- Stock market

- Market debt bonds

- Foreign exchange markets

- Commodities

- Property Markets

- Markets art

- Futures market instruments

All of these markets are specific to each type of securities.

Though the stock market, and quite diverse, but the main were and still are stocks and bonds.

Shares referred to securities, promoting the rights of the owners to receive part of the profit of the company in the form of dividends, participation in the management of the company or the share of the property after the liquidation of the company. But they are not a guarantee of income.

Bonds - are securities entitling their holders to produce within the specified period of their nominal value and fixed interest. Bonds are a form of cash loan. Sellers are the debtors, consumers - creditors.

Proceed to the next lesson. In it, I chew on simple examples, what stocks and bonds. If you do not yet know everything about them, go and read on

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