10 марта 2015

Health insurance in Germany

  Foreign nationals which are visiting Germany must be insured before coming to Germany, or by mutual agreement between their country of residence and Germany or through private insurance, or for the treatment of medical service will need to pay. EU citizens which visiting Germany, can use their health cards of the European Union to get free medical care in Germany. This includes the possibility of treatment in public hospitals (with direction from a doctor except in emergencies). Payment must be made in advance. Most logical to agree with the doctor in advance what is included in the insurance.
   Health insurance for citizens:
   Health insurance is compulsory for all of Germany since 2009. Citizens the right to choose
between public or private health insurance. This - as enshrined by the legislation requirement to obtain a residence permit. Medical insurance is obligatory, if the income does not exceed the threshold of income (in 2014, it was 4 462,50 € per month).
   Public health insurance:
   Public health insurance in Germany costs approximately 15.5% of net income (declining to 14.6% in January 2015). As fact the employee pays about half of the contribution, and the employer pays remain. Every week payments are automatically deducted from your paycheck. There are more than 100 companies of State Insurance, and the employee can choose. When choosing an insurance, it is important to investigate individual companies carefully to find the one that meets individual needs. Private entrepreneurs and people with higher incomes can not get honey. insurance, but should apply to public services in order to exclude themselves from the state registry.
  Private health insurance:
  Private health in Germany insurance has many advantages. This is often more extensive than in the case of public insurance, the scope of services adapted individually to each person; However, while state insurance designed for families, private health insurance requires that each member of the family was insured on an individual basis. This means that the family is justified only children's private insurance, even if both parents are earning above the income threshold.
  At expatriates working in Germany, the choice can be an exception to the public insurance or public insurance, or private insurance, if their income exceeds the threshold. Personal insurance is  preferred by expatriates because it offers packages more suitable, ie cheaper than the German. It is important to note that by refusing insurance should consult with your request to the insurer health.
  Getting life insurance:
  Once the form is filled, the insurer requires that the applicant was carried out medical and dental examination. The insurer calculates risk based on age, sex, health, life history and other factors, and creates a written proposal, which can be made and rejected.