03 марта 2015

Eastern Ukraine

  Not so long ago, climbing in the vastness of the foreign blogosphere encountered a small article in which the author, describing the sanctions imposed by German industrialists to Russia, for the occupation of the Crimean peninsula stressed the inevitability and perhaps even forcing them to administration. As is well known German industrial companies have introduced their own sanctions against Russian partners only after the introduction of US sanctions.
Translated into Russian - after the introduction of US sanctions, German industrialists simply could not continue to cooperate with the majority of Russian companies in the future, already in their words (German businessmen) they have made to your black list because of the political course of the Russian Federation. Time goes by ... sanctions gradually tailor aggressor state budget, which makes it all the more rapidly advance. Today it is even NATO, in spite of a very restrained policy
do not hesitate to talk about the Russian military in eastern Ukraine. However, in the EU until recently talked about the importance of the Minsk agreements that were made in simplex mode only Ukrainian side. And I especially began to emerge feeling that Ukraine quietly poured Russia. But in the last few days I have heard of emergency visits of France and Germany in the glorious city of Kiev and then to Moscow, which immediately made me think of German industrialists (not sure, but I think this applies to business in most European countries, just read just about these). I start to look for the cause. And just a few minutes find - the US is considering a bill to provide military assistance to Ukraine. A little more searching and http://censor.net.ua/ "Mogerini (EU High Representative): The US decision on weapons for Ukraine depends on the efforts for a peaceful settlement with the European side. United States has not yet made a decision on arms Ukraine, it will depend on the ability of European leaders ensure the success of the peace talks. It is reported with reference to Censor.NET European Truth. "If we are engaged in the search for a political decision at the highest level, as we do, then providing arms to me one of the parties does not seem very consistent gesture" - said high Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini comments in the newspaper La Repubblica. According to her, the supply of arms - it is always a two-state solution and on the European stage. As for the US, much will depend on the efforts for a peaceful settlement with the European side. "In the US it is still under discussion, the decision is not accepted. Much will depend on our ability to find a peaceful solution to the crisis. However, the possibility of a military solution does not exist ", - said the head of European diplomacy." The decision to increase efforts to find a political solution to the crisis was passed unanimously. We are the United States are in constant contact, and even the American side is convinced that the output can only be diplomatic "- said Mogerini.
   Well after Merkel and her words about the need of federalization few months ago I had nothing surprised, although the words Mogerini on bilateral decisions on military procurement remind OSCE report - must be met in Minsk arrangements.
Ie We recognize the Russian military equipment and troops in the eastern regions of Ukraine, but Ukrainian authorities to give fire in response to the firing of terrorists and Russian troops is not desirable - it would lead to war, and to give a weapon even more so! Then Russia could also start helping the Russian troops in the Donbas? Sounds bad.
   But let's see what will happen next. One thing is clear - the situation is really complicated. Putin nowhere to retreat. As well, and Ukrainians.

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